NoodDude Campaign

TARGET AUDIENCE:// Men of all ages but primarily male RMIT students aged 18-30.

NoodDude Campaign

TARGET AUDIENCE:// Men of all ages but primarily male RMIT students aged 18-30.

CAMPAIGN LANDSCAPE:// Promote new healthy ways to be a "Man", while not shaming and using toxic masculinity as a calling card.

Tone:// Inclusive, relatable, multifaceted, innovative and unconventional
Outdated gender norms and practices also harm men, and young men are particularly vulnerable to experiencing pressure and confusion around the ‘traditional’ expectations and behaviours required to be a ‘man’ (The Men’s Project & Flood 2018).

Traditional masculinity traps men in boxes and prevents them from living happy fulfilling lives. There are many different ways to cook and everyone has their own unique recipe or ingredients. 
People often get sick and bored if they constantly eat the exact same dish made in the exact same way. Much like the way people cook, masculinity needs to evolve and change by adding and balancing traits or ingredients.

To redefine what it means to be a man, we have linked it with a relatable and metaphorical life experience; cooking. The campaign will explore societal and individual’s secret ingredients in relation to cooking as well as being a “man”, in order to highlight the many valid ways to be a man.

The secret ingredients that you add are what makes a dish good, and there are numerous valid ways to make a dish unique and good, just like being a man.
To develop an inclusive and non-conventional campaign that encourages the target audience to free themselves from the boxes in which traditional masculinity traps them in by showing the many different valid traits and attitudes that define being a man.

Being a man isn’t confined to the harmful and damaging traditional framework of masculinity. Our campaign shows how to balance and incorporate the multidimensional framework of being a man. By showing the infinite ways of cooking and personalising a dish, we demonstrate the changeable and many valid ways to be a man.
To Kick-start our campaign; A storyboard to help set the tone and framework of this project.
Our video features “Nooddude”, a character who is initially seen as empty, emotionless and lonely, the design is a representation of traditional masculinity. 
As Nooddude embarks on his journey he learns about the various traits that make up a modern man attributed with various ingredients or foods. 
The storyboard is a core part of the campaign and sets up the rest of the executions cohesively. The use of humour and animated art-style employs the target audience's engagement, allowing the audience to laugh at/with Nooddude as he meets more people and gets more ingredients. 
Furthermore, Nooddude specifically is animated as black and white and towards the end, he becomes more colourful/real, this journey/arch shows the vulnerability and consequences of traditional masculinity and as he progresses with more ingredients/traits, this allows for another call to action, to demonstrate change within Nooddude/ the target audience. 
The storyboard demonstrates traditional and non-traditional masculine people much like the real world, in which the target audience can receive a sense of relatability, if they can’t with the character “Nooddude”. 
In order to reach the most effective engagement in media use and habits with
our target audience, the video will not run on television, but rather as advertisements on streaming platforms inline with the RMIT students. This will include pre/midrolls on YouTube as well as social platforms, like Instagram or Facebook. 
Due to the vast majority of our intended audience watching shows/videos on YouTube and actively participating on social platforms like Instagram and Facebook, these platforms are perfectly optimised for  the campaign.
To best target the millennial audience, the campaign enlists the social media platform; Instagram. 
The initial plan is to post from RMIT’s Instagram account as they already have an established brand and large following. Although the purpose of Instagram is to raise awareness of our campaign, our intention is to build relationships with the target audience through our campaign awareness.The Instagram section of our campaign is a conversation based execution, where instead of extremely refined and edited photographs, the images we upload and select have been fine tuned to replicate real life, with minimal editing. This has been done in order to more accurately connect with the audience on a deeper level as well as to encourage them to construct a personal connection with the campaign.
 The use of style selection is also beneficial and hyper inclusive, as previous social campaigns have had an inverse effect. Each post will feature a hashtag, where the audience can find and follow
the campaign as it has been used throughout each and every campaign execution.

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